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Reecha Singh

Reecha Singh

Reecha Singh

Reecha Singh

Reecha Singh

11 नव॰ 2023

Our fellow Kumari Reecha Singh hails from Bhopalganj Bihar

however she's pursuing law from Delhi.

Like any other young girl Reecha had big dreams, she wanted to pursue law as her career. She has three sisters and one brother so her extended family began taunting her for choosing such an unsuitable career.
“They said “you will never find a prospective groom for yourself; nobody wants a girl who is so ambitious.”

But her father, despite being a shop owner, fully supported her dreams. His brother also left his education in between to help their father . She was again taunted for holding back her brother and wasting family money. They said “ you're wasting so much money on education now. How will your father provide money for each daughter's education, wedding and dowry”.

However her father's unconditional support for her and her brother's sacrifices strengthened her to actively pursue her career

She even came to Delhi for her further studies despite all the negative stereotypes and prejudices that her kith and kins held against a girl leaving for Delhi she has been successful in her studies.

Politics interested her since childhood she was studying in a school run by RSS but she was averse to the notions and hateful ideology of the organisation. “I started reading about Congress ideology and was influenced by it.” she says

She joined Indian Youth Congress’s Youth Parliament and joined Rajiv Gandhi Internship. She was rewarded within the organization and became Bihar's Youth Congress RTI Chairperson.

However her interests in politics also received backlash, she was body shamed, she recalls “I am short and very thin. Everyone said I will not be taken seriously by anyone”.

However, she came across the Indira Fellowship and decided to take up this opportunity and work towards upliftment of women.
She wants to use this platform to fight against early marriages of women as through her groundwork at many villages she found out that women are not encouraged to pursue education instead married off young. A problem that arises is many women develop anaemia due to early childbirth. There are maternal and child health problems.
She also works towards creating menstrual hygiene awareness among women by distributing pads.
Through the platform of Indira fellowship she also wants to create politically conscious women who are aware of their rights.
She credits the fellowship for giving her a sense of identity and recognition it has given her in her state.
She wants to work towards ending many prevalent traditions like dowry which according to her “makes being a girl a crime”.
Her larger political goals are to fight against caste, class, religious and gender-based discrimination in Indian society.
She also wants to limit the high rates of unemployment among the youth today “I have seen so many young people who are living the best years of their lives being depressed due to unemployment”

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