Empowering Women, Transforming Politics - an IYC initiative






Lalita Regar

Lalita Regar

Lalita Regar

Lalita Regar

Lalita Regar

Nov 11, 2023

Our fellow Lalita from Chittorgarh, Rajasthan

who despite being a Dalit woman has had many political accomplishments due to her ferocious and bold nature

Her father encouraged her to join politics, after observing her speaking skills and political brilliance.

In 2014 she joined NSUI and started her journey as student politics. She soon became a popular student leader and was recognised by many for her activism. She held many positions within the organisation for years.

However her political activities received a jolt when her father passed away suddenly.

She took up a job to support her mother and sister. To fulfill her father’s dreams for her to become a journalist and news anchor she began pursuing a diploma in MCom.

However in 2018 she joined the Science College and is still pursuing her degree MSC in Botany. She returned to her true call of joining active politics and was elected as District vice-president and Spokesperson of Youth Congress. She

However her political career saw another setback with the demise of her mother in 2022 worsening her economic situation as well as placing the responsibility of running the household.

She returned to politics and contested on a reserved seat for Scheduled Castes and won student elections. She became the only Dalit woman in history of NSUI and youth Congress to win the elections.

Lalita is quite a revolutionary in her personal and professional life. She continues her activism against caste stereotypes she says despite being a dalit woman she actively engages with members of different castes and participates actively within her community.

She helps women who face domestic violence or abandonment by husbands.

She sees Indira Fellowship as an opportunity for her personal skill development and to expand her horizons and reach beyond student politics and engage with other social groups. She wants to serve women and youth. As a youth herself she considers unemployment as the biggest concern that India has today and wants work to provide employment and economic opportunities to the youth.

She wants to work along with different women's groups as well as mahila Congress. She wants to represent the Congress Party at both state and national levels.

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